Notice of Cessation of ATS Business – TriAct Canada Marketplace LP (operating as MATCHNow)

Market Regulation Document Type
MATCH Now orders and notices

TriAct Canada Marketplace LP (operating as MATCHNow) has filed Form 21-101F4 Cessation of Operations Report for Alternative Trading System (F4) with the Commission. The F4 indicates that MATCHNow intends to cease to carry on business as an alternative trading system (ATS) on January 1, 2024.

Pending regulatory approval, on January 1, 2024, MATCHNow will cease to exist as a separate legal entity and ATS, and its operations will be incorporated, as an order book, into a new amalgamated corporation to be known as Cboe Canada Inc., which shall be a recognized exchange under a varied version of the recognition order that currently applies to MATCHNow’s sister marketplace, Neo Exchange Inc., its affiliated entity Aequitas Innovations Inc., and their ultimate parent company, Cboe Global Markets, Inc. The application to vary the recognition order was published for comment in the OSC Bulletin on October 19, 2023, at (2023), 46 OSCB 8573.