Notice of Implementation - Alpha ATS LP

Market Regulation Document Type
Alpha ATS rule review and notices

On January 22, 2010, Alpha ATS LP published a notice regarding changes to its operations regarding the Passive Only Order Type, the acceptance of Odd Lot Orders on exchange-listed debt instruments, and changes to the bypass cross functionality. This was published in (2010), 33 OSCB 946. The Notice described the following changes and the reasons for the change.

  • Alpha introduced a new order type: The Passive Only Order Type
  • Alpha ATS will not be providing Odd Lot assignments to exchange listed debt instruments
  • Subscribers will be able to enter a bypass cross in the extended trading at any price

No comment letters were received and no changes have been made to the proposed amendments since such publication. The changes will be implemented on April 12, 2010, or otherwise as provided by Subscriber Notice.

For any further questions, please contact [email protected].