Scheduled outage for OSC Electronic Filing Portal: December 10, 2024 from 5:30 pm to 11 pm (EST).
Notice of Completion of Staff Review of Initial Operation Report – Bloomberg Tradebook Canada Company
On May 13, 2021, Bloomberg Tradebook Canada Company (Tradebook Canada) announced its plans to begin operations as an Alternative Trading System and its Notice of Initial Operations was published for comment in accordance with OSC Staff Notice 21-706 -- Marketplaces' Initial Operations and Material System Changes. The public comment period ended on June 14, 2021. No comments were received.
OSC staff have completed the review of Tradebook Canada's Form 21-101F2 Information Statement Alternative Trading System -- Initial Operation Report and have no further comments.
Tradebook Canada's investment dealer registration is subject to the following term and condition:
[Tradebook Canada] must report trades in unlisted debt securities, as that term is defined in National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation, and any debt securities denominated in Canadian dollars to IIROC (as information processor) only with respect to transactions in which neither participant to the trade is (i) a bank listed in Schedule I, II, or III of the Bank Act (Canada), or (ii) an IIROC Dealer Member firm.