Request for Comment – Republication of Proposed Derivatives Rule Modernization, Stage 1 – Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO)

Market Regulation Document Type
CIRO rule review and notices

CIRO is republishing for a third comment period proposed amendments to modernize and simplify its derivatives-related requirements. CIRO has made additional revisions to the proposed amendments set out in the previous two publications (the Revised Proposed Amendments) to:

  • incorporate them in the most recent version of the Investment Dealer and Partially Consolidated Rules (IDPC Rules), formerly the IIROC Rules, which came into effect on January 1, 2023, and
  • introduce changes to address concerns and suggestions received from commenters and the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA).

The Revised Proposed Amendments are necessary to ensure consistency with the anticipated final version of CSA National Instrument 93-101 Derivatives: Business Conduct (NI 93-101).

A copy of the CIRO Notice, including the Revised Proposed Amendments, is also published on our website at The comment period ends on August 14, 2023.