Registrant Outreach: Completing the 2020 Risk Assessment Questionnaire

23 juin 2020
14h00  -  16h00
Event Details

This webinar will assist registrants in completing the 2020 Risk Assessment Questionnaire (RAQ). We will highlight the key changes to the RAQ, including, for the first time, the pre-population of certain information previously provided by firms. We will answer frequently asked questions and walk participants through areas of the RAQ which may have been challenging for registrants in the past.

The RAQ is a useful tool in identifying high risk areas of a registrant’s business and assisting CRR staff in executing their risk-based approach to compliance field reviews.

Event Image
male typing at a laptop

Who should attend

Individuals who will be involved in the completion of the RAQ for their registrant firm.

Why should you attend

Understand the purpose of the RAQ, staff’s expectations for completing the RAQ and make the completion process more effective and efficient for your firm.

Event Material

Slides: Outreach Session for the 2020 Risk Assessment Questionnaire Documents ouverts dans un nouvel onglet