Regulatory Administration: Common Filing Errors, Insider Reporting and the Process for Fee Waivers for Late Insider Reports

04 mars 2020
13h30  -  15h00
Event Details

This seminar will provide a refresher on navigating SEDI, insider reporting obligations and the insider reporting fee waiver process. The seminar will also briefly touch on common filing errors in the context of prospectus, application and continuous disclosure filings.

Who Should Attend:

  • Law clerks and filing agents of reporting issuers
  • General counsel of reporting issuers
  • Junior legal counsel and other advisors
  • Reporting insiders and individuals responsible for the preparation, review and filing of insider reports

Why You Should Attend:

  • To understand securities regulatory timing and filing procedures
  • To learn how to navigate SEDI and properly complete your insider reporting obligations
  • To understand when OSC staff will consider a fee waiver for a late insider report
  • To hear directly from OSC staff on best practices for engaging with staff on procedural and administrative issues

Presentation Documents:

Event Image
sme regulatory administration